Friday, March 28, 2025

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Some Harmful Ingredients In Body Cream You Should Avoid

We all want to look good and for this, most of us have become addicted to body lotions. Even though there are harmful ingredients in body lotions to be avoided.

Body lotions in our time have become the beauty elixir like no other even though there are natural and safe means to attain the same end. What most people don’t take into account is the fact that within these body lotions are resident harmful ingredients that are a threat to our body.

Today we shall be making a list of these harmful ingredients in body lotions that we really need to avoid. In addition to this, we must all learn to look at the label of our body lotions before buying.

The aim is to look out for these harmful ingredients and stay away from the products that contain them as far as possible. It is, in fact, impossible to avoid all of these harmful ingredients (unless you want to cut off from body lotions entirely).

The aim is to reduce the numbers we are exposed to through our body lotions (there are now natural products free from these chemicals, you can find one that soothes your body goals).

Harmful Ingredients In Body Lotions

Propylene glycol.
It’s classified as a skin irritant and penetrator. It has been associated with causing dermatitis as well as hives in humans — these sensitization effects can be manifested at propylene glycol concentrations as low as 2 per cent.

You may see it on labels listed as benzene, toluol, phenylmethane, methylbenzene.
It can affect your respiratory system, cause nausea and irritate your skin.

Expecting mothers should avoid exposure to toluene vapours as it may cause developmental damage in the fetus. Toluene has also been linked to immune system toxicity.

This chemical was deemed as a human carcinogen by The International Agency for Research on Carcinogens (IARC) and has been linked to occupational related cancers: nasal and nasopharyngeal.

It is known to cause allergic skin reactions and it may also be harmful to the immune system.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) / Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES).
SLS’s are known to be skin, lung, and eye irritants. A major concern about SLS is its potential to interact and combine with other chemicals to form nitrosamines, a carcinogen. These combinations can lead to a host of other issues like kidney and respiratory damage.

Triclosan is a widely used antimicrobial chemical that’s a known endocrine disruptor — especially thyroid and reproductive hormones, and a skin irritant. Studies raise concerns that triclosan contributes to making bacteria antibiotic-resistant.

Parabens possess estrogen-mimicking properties that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. These chemicals are absorbed through the skin and have been identified in biopsy samples from breast tumours.

Synthetic colours.
If you take a look at your product label and notice FD&C or D&C, they represent artificial colours. F — representing food and D&C representing drug and cosmetics.

These letters precede a colour and number (e.g., D&C Red 27 or FD&C blue 1). These synthetic colours are derived from petroleum or coal tar sources. Synthetic colours are suspected to be a human carcinogen, a skin irritant and are linked to ADHD in children.

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Skin Deep Database, fragrance mixes have been associated with allergies, dermatitis, respiratory distress and potential effects on the reproductive system.

A group of chemicals used in hundreds of products to increase the flexibility and softness of plastics.

The main phthalates in cosmetics and personal care products are dibutyl phthalate in nail polish, diethyl phthalate in perfumes and lotions, and dimethyl phthalate in hair spray.

They are known to be endocrine disruptors and have been linked to increased risk of breast cancer, early breast development in girls, and reproductive birth defects in males and females.

Do not be deceived into believing that these are all the harmful ingredients in body lotions you need to avoid. There are many out there. Take your time and make the research and your health would thank you for it.

Another point to take home is that these harmful agents are also contained in other products, such as:

  • Deodorants
  • conditioners
  • eye shadows
  • perfumes/colognes
  • soaps
  • nail polish
  • hair sprays
  • moisturizers
  • shampoo
  • body wash/cleanser
  • mascara and acne treatment.

Majority of the popular body cream we use has most of these harmful ingredients but we are not going to list those creams because of trade policy.

However, next time you want to buy a domestic, deodorant or body cream, please check out the ingredients on the label and if it contains any of these ones listed above, we recommend you go for another.

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