Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Birthday Wishes for Myself & Happy Birthday To Me Quotes

In this post, i have put together the best self birthday wishes messages, happy birthday to myself, happy birthday to me status, happy birthday to me quotes, happy birthday to me prayer, happy birthday to me dp for whatsapp, happy birthday to me song, birthday story for myself, inspirational birthday message to myself, etc

Birthday Wishes For Myself

Everything hurts except loving yourself. The best thing you can be is by being a friend to yourself. Happy birthday to myself!

God has given me another year to live, laugh, and love and that is the best thing I could receive. Happy Birthday to me!

Birthdays are good, but my birthday is best! So Happy birthday to me!

On my birthday, I wish myself to always be the best I can be, from now and till eternity. Happiest birthday to me.

Another phase in life, another stage of excellence and another opportunity for growth. I am more than grateful to be alive. Happy birthday to me.

Cheers to the person I’m turning into and the open doors in life. I thank God for keeping me this long and for seeing another birthday. Come all, help me celebrate this great day.

A year older, a year wiser. Happy birthday to this beautiful soul. May the Lord always provide all I need in life. This is my prayer today.

My life has been a constant process of growth. I have gradually realized my potential, but I hope to exploit it fully this year. Happy birthday to me.

All I pray for this new phase in life is to have the utmost joy and provision for everything I need. Happy birthday to this lovely soul and thank God for life!

Happy birthday to the person I am today, and cheers to the person I’m becoming. I have seen tremendous growth and resilience amidst tough situations. I pray that this new year will bring divine happiness.

I promise to keep on loving myself more than anything else. This life is truly mine, so happy birthday to me!

Hooray! Another birthday, another celebration. I take this opportunity to wish myself the best birthday yet and abundance in blessings.

I owe God everything I am, and everything that I have. Without Him, I wouldn’t have been alive to celebrate this day. May His unending love light the path for me. Happy birthday to me.

I wish myself a tremendously happy birthday today. It hasn’t been an easy journey through life, but it has been worth it because I have got God by my side. I can’t wait for another year to come.

Wishes do come true for anyone that believes that all things are possible. I am a firm believer in a greater me. On this new day into my wonderful year, I wish myself a beautiful birthday.

Self-love isn’t selfish; it is simply loving yourself to be able to love others from your heart. I celebrate myself on my birthday today. Happy birthday, dear me.

God has been incredibly faithful to me. In spite of my wrongs, mistakes, and shortcomings, His mercy still found me worthy to be kept alive to see another birthday in my life. I am super, super grateful to my good Lord. Happy birthday to me!

I don’t know about others, but my life is completely beautiful. I am glad to be a year older today. Happy me, happy birthday!

I am destined for something bigger. a life of fulfillment and abundant success. This is a new year to live out my destiny. Happy birthday to me.

Everything I touch is blessed. There is absolutely nothing I need that I can’t have with God. I am undeserving, but His love covers me in all. Here is me, wishing myself a lovely birthday celebration this day. Let the party kick-off!

My appreciation goes to God, the Owner of my life. His faithfulness is forever true, and today is proof that He has done me well. I congratulate myself on this new year I have stepped into. Happy birthday to me.

I shall not lack any good thing. My labor shall not come to naught. On this day, as I mark another year in my life, I will have memorable events to talk about. Happy birthday to me.

It isn’t so much about the pomp and style than it is of expressing gratitude for being a partaker of life in the land of the living. I am not ungrateful to you, Lord. More of Your blessings, I pray. Happy birthday to me.

My heart overflows with joy. Time and again, I am reminded that I am one of the most blessed human beings on earth. I may not have it all, but I am certainly living my dreams. Happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday to me. I have every reason to be happy on this day.

It is not unusual to hear bad news in the wake of each day. I’m thankful to be numbered amongst the fortunate. Happy birthday to me.

Dear Lord, thank you for bringing me into another fabulous year where I will live out your glory. It is my birthday today; may Your goodness remain with me.

On my birthday today, I pray that the presence of the Lord will never depart from me all the days of my life.

Today, I want to thank God for granting me yet another year. Today, my heart is full of nothing but gratitude. Wishing myself a happy birthday!

I’ve spent so many years that gave me happiness and joy in abundance. I wish the same in the coming years. Happy birthday to me!

Another year down, but a lot more to come! Happy Birthday to me!

Life itself is a beautiful gift and I cannot be more thankful to be alive, happy, and healthy! Happy Birthday to me! May God always be pleased with me.

On this very day, one of the greatest humans of the world was born. Oh, and so did I! Happy Birthday to me!

My life is way more interesting than I could ask for at this age. I’m happy that I was born like me, not like anyone else. Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to a person who is smart, good-looking, and funny and reminds me a lot of myself.

Wishing myself the happiest birthday ever! Thank You, God, for letting me have a lovely family and celebrate my life with them! I am truly blessed!

Keep calm and wish me Happy Birthday!

Growing up is the best journey that I’ve ever embarked on. I enjoy my life and I enjoy being alive all the time. May the blessings of God be with me forever!

Today I want to be grateful for a life spent in grace and favor as I celebrate the most special day of my life. Happy birthday to myself!

Happy Birthday to the most amazing person I know, I myself!

As the years go by leaving their marks and memories, I begin to realize how beautiful and blissful a life it is. Happy birthday to me! Wishing for many more returns of this day!

One more beautiful year has passed in the journey of knowing myself. Life is awesome, so am I.

Thank God another year has passed and I’m plus one today, I ask the Lord to honor me this year with the best of achievements, happy birthday to me!

Can I tell you something? Don’t worry, an awesome, sweet, wonderful and brilliant sweet sixteen is celebrating her birthday today, am I’m sure!

Thank you Lord for all you did in my life, I beseech you to purify my heart and grant me success in all my doings. Happy birthday to me friends!

Wow, I am plus one today, I ask the Lord to grant me all my heart desires and shower me with the best in life. Happy birthday to me!

Lord I bless and honor you for sparing my life up till this moment; I am so overwhelmed with joy, happy birthday to me!

Loving myself this cool moment because I’m plus one, come and celebrate with me, please enjoy and feel on top of the world because I am a year older today! Happy birthday to me!

Thank God I am a year sweeter and prettier. Come and celebrate a jewel, a treasure well cherished by everyone. Happy birthday to me, I am plus one!

I pray that the Lord bless this my new age for me, may He honor me with an endless joy and a renewed prosperity. Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to a charming, brilliant and special person—this reminds me of myself. I ask for joy and happiness in my new age to accomplish my effort till the end. Happy birthday to me!

May the Lord bless my hustles for I am a new year old today; I wish myself the best birthday can you please wish me yours too? Happy birthday to me!

Thank my sweet mum for giving birth to me, today I am celebrating my sweetest and special day. I beseech the Lord to bless and honor me. Happy birthday to me!

Glory to the Lord who spared my life up till this moment. I am very pleased to announce to the world that I am plus one today. May the good fortune, honor, glory and prosperity descend upon my today. Happy birthday to my humble self!

You can call me the last man standing because today I really worth it. Guess what? I am a little bit big—I am plus one today, happy birthday to a cute handsome dude like me. I pray for a prosperous year and a life full of joy and endless breakthroughs. Dear friends, come and celebrate with me; my new sweet diamond treasure age, happy birthday to me!

I am so happy today because a special day of my life has come and as such everyone is free to celebrate the special queen of the home. I love myself so much because I’m pretty cute, beautiful, sexy and hot. Please just come and cheer me up. Happy birthday to me.

I love myself with passion and compassion, anyway that’s my business. I just want to holler to the entire world that I am a year older today. I call on you all my beloved family and friends to please come and cheer me up. I ask God to bless my new age for me and honor me with lots of success and prosperity. Happy birthday to me!

I am so happy today and nothing is the cause but the fact that I am plus one. I wish to let you understand that I am now a new person because nature number has rolled upon me. I just want to cheer myself up for a new age God has granted to me. Happy birthday to me, prosperous life ahead!

Just like yesterday a child has grown up into adult now ready to swim in the boat called adulthood. I pray that the Lord should help me in this new journey of life. Dear friends come and celebrate with me because I am a year older today, happy birthday to me!

I ask the Lord to bless my ways and my hustles this year and all times to come because I am plus one today, Happy birthday to the cute angel herself, the mother’s favorite and the father’s pet. Wow, I can’t just believe I am now a new person bouncing like a little cute baby girl. Happy birthday to me!

Do you want to know why I am happy? Just guess what, I am plus one today so I need to celebrate myself more than anyone else. I want you to thank God for me because if not Him I can’t live up till this moment. Oh Lord please put blessings in my hustles and my works. Happy birthday to me!

Glory to the One who has spared my life up till this moment. Now I am a bigger boy, handsome, easy going Mr. Enjoyment, lol! Please come and celebrate me my beloved ones. Happy birthday to me. You will always be appreciated.

Today is a special day in my life and I am so happy to announce it to the world because it brings lots of joy and happiness into my life. I beseech the Lord to ease all my affairs in life, and to bring luck into all my life activity. Happy birthday to you my sweetheart!

I wish myself a very big birthday for I am plus one today. I pray that the Lord spare my life for many more years to come. I wish myself all the best in life. Wow, dude you are so cute today, my red cap is shining like sunshine…lol… I so much love myself. Happy birthday to me!

Glory to the Lord and I’m grateful for granting me yet another special day of celebration. Thank you for the gift of another stunning year. I’m thankful, God. Happy birthday to me!

Thank God I am plus one today, I want to appreciate you Lord for giving me another year to live and celebrate. I am grateful for the knowledge of life you’ve granted me. God, I thank you for all the good things you have done in my life. Happy birthday to me!

It is you alone I trusted most in heaven and earth. My maker, you alone is all I’ve in heaven and earth. Thank you for showing me much love and kindness these past years. I will be grateful to you until the end of time. Happy birthday to you!

Thank You, Lord, for all the awesome things that has happened in my life all through the years. I am so grateful for all the joy you brought into my life. Only you can do so my dear Lord, I appreciate you for all your selfless kindness over me. Thank you God. I am plus one today friends!

Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday to me! This universe has cared for me and showered me with beauty and love until now, so I am very grateful to the world!

Thank God another has passed with me in this world- I’m so awesome it’s a real blessing to everyone in my life to have me here. Happy birthday to me.

Gonna party like hell cause it’s my birthday, Happy Birthday to me!

I was born into this world as a naive and innocent soul, but today I’m stronger, kinder, and more mature than ever. So Happy Birthday to me!

I believe that I am the equivalent to a fine wine or a delicious old cheese. The older the better. I am thrilled to be another year older today! Happy Birthday to me!

May God bless me with a long life! Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me! Here’s to all the struggle, all the pain, all the lessons, and all the growth of my life. Here’s to celebrate a good human being!

Happy Birthday to me! The fresh air, the bright sunlight, the fragrant flowers- everything is gifted to me today! May I get to lead a beautiful life ahead!

A whole year has passed and it has been 365 days of pure blessings, love, and care! I am grateful to have a wonderful life, so Happy Birthday to me!

Today was the only day when I cried and my mother Smiled on it. Happy Birthday Mother’s lovely child, Happy Birthday to Me.

Happy Birthday to someone who is full of unbelievable awesomeness! Yes, that’s right. It’s my birthday.

Birthday Messages For Myself

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you try your best to hide your birthdays! That’s why I’m whispering happy birthday to me so no one else can know my real age!

Some people become more beautiful as they grow old. Maybe this is the reason why I can’t stop being beautiful. Happy birthday to myself!

As I am becoming more mature every year, I am starting to realize one great truth. Legends don’t come on this earth in great numbers. They are rare, just like me. Happy birthday to myself!

More money, more joy, more smile is what I wish for myself on my birthday. God bless me always.

I am coming to terms with the fact that loving someone requires a leap of faith, and that a soft landing is never guaranteed. But Who the hell cares, I love myself, Happy Birthday to Me.

May this day bring countless happiness and endless joy and live with peace and serenity to me!

It’s my special day, Happy Birthday!

I am celebrating my birthday, happy birthday to me!

It’s my birthday, wish me Happy Birthday!

Its my birthday post. Happy Birthday to me, me and me!

Happy birthday to the most humble person in the world!

To this blessed soul, happy birthday to me. May the Lord bless my path to success!

It’s a beautiful day, a day to celebrate! Wishing me, myself and I a birthday full of joy, peace and happiness.

Wishing me a memorable birthday! Happy birthday to me!

Hope my birthday makes all my dreams come true!

Today is my birthday, and my heart is still open for wishes. Happy birthday to me!

It is a lovely day and a special one in my life, I am a year older. May I be treated like a queen! Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me, may I live 1001 years.

I thank God for giving me another year to serve Him. Happy birthday to me!

A blessed day indeed, Today, I want to wish myself a happy birthday! Happy birthday to me!

Welcome to my house, let’s eat, drink and party because it’s my birthday!

Happy birthday to the most jovial, funny and awesome person in the world! Happy birthday to me!

You have been a wonderful child, happy birthday to myself!

Happy birthday to myself, I promise to love myself and enjoy life.

It’s my birthday, a day to be happy and praise the Lord. I thank him for the gift of life.

It’s a day to make someone happy, put a smile on their face, because it’s my birthday today. Happy birthday to me!

It’s a new start, new dreams and a walk towards a new destination because it’s my birthday. Happy birthday to me!

It’s my birthday, and I will celebrate like I will never party before. Thank you God for another year

Its happy birthday to me today, I pray for love, peace and happiness. Happy birthday to myself!

It is my birthday and I am officially a year older. Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful and loving soul. It’s my birthday. I wish myself a Happy birthday!

A journey of life needs a step at a time, that’s what I will take this year as I start a new year in my life. Happy birthday to me!

It has been a successful year and looking forward to a wonderful new year. Happy birthday to myself!

It feels so awesome being a year older and mature. Truly life is an experience. Happy birthday to me!

The more birthdays I celebrate, the more I fall in love with myself. Happy birthday to myself!

I pray to be older and older until I become toothless. Happy birthday to myself!

It has been a blessing year, May God me as I start a new year in my life. Happy birthday to myself!

I will be strong, I will not let ant troubles in this life bring me down because it’s my birthday! Happy birthday to me!

A day to have fun with friends and family, because it’s a special day to me! A very happy birthday to me!

It is cooler being a year older. Happy birthday to me!

Life is awesome, a new year to rediscover myself. Happy birthday to me!

A sweet and lovely day it is. Happy birthday to me!

Thank you Lord for blessing me with another year of life! Happy birthday to me!

Join me in this celebration; we are going to have fun today because it’s my birthday. Happy birthday to me!

Cheers for overcoming the years challenges, I am grateful to celebrate another year in my life. Happy birthday to me!

My wishes for today are more grace happiness and prosperity for years to come. Happy birthday to me!

I am a year better and happier, wishing myself a happy birthday!

Wishing myself a beautiful year ahead. I am happy to be here today, Happy birthday to me!

God has been more than good to me. He made me special and even more special on this special day. Happy birthday to myself.

Sometimes I wish that If I could really change this world, but then I realized that God created only one version Myself, otherwise the task would have been Done Until Now, Happy Birthday Sexy.

For the past 364 days, God has kept me alive until today. And I’m wishing He protects me more as I embark on another 364 days journey. Happy birthday to me.

Relationships are the currency of leadership, without people, an organization would lose its purpose and value. Same is with me, my relationship is with my Happiness and smile, Which I hope will keep alive all the time. Happy Birthday Mr. Awesome.

I plan on having an amazing, awesome, super, fantastic year full of many new adventures and crazy travels! My birthday means I’m another year older and another year wiser! You better watch out!

You understand me more than I can even understand myself. I could never thank you enough for all that you have done for me. Happy Birthday to the best friend in this whole world and it’s me.

I’m mature enough to realize that I’m still a child. Happy birthday to myself. Still, a long way to go!

The more birthdays I have in my life, the more deeply I fall in love with myself. Who said numbers don’t matter?

Funny Birthday Wishes for Self

I may be old, but at least I’m alive to wish me a happy birthday! Not many people have this kind of fortune.

Before someone reminds me of my age, makes a sick joke about it and put it as their birthday wish caption, I want to wish myself a happy birthday.

Not many people understand this, but if you want to grow old and grow mature, you first have to be alive. I have been doing this for ages now!

Since no one cares about me these days, I am going to wish myself out loud so the entire online community know it’s my birthday!

I’ve reached that period of my life when scrolling down to select birth year isn’t fun anymore. Happy birthday to myself!

I hope the price of candle skyrockets this year so my friends can’t afford to buy as many candles as my age on my birthday.

If I wasn’t born, the word ‘Awesome’ would have gone extinct from dictionaries. It feels wonderful to be someone of such importance. Happy birthday to myself!

People spend their entire life to be a great person. I’m so blessed that I was born great. Today is the day to celebrate this holy greatness of mine! Happy birthday to me!

Sometimes I feel like I’m a diamond who just happened to be imported out of Africa a long time ago. Happy birthday to the living gem, the purest soul ever….. myself!

Happiest of birthdays to me. Happiest of birthdays to me. Oh yes, the happiest of birthdays to me. What’s that—you want to wish me a happy birthday?

Thank God I’m a year older today. It’s not been easy but I’m grateful. Happy birthday to me, myself and I.

Happy Birthday to someone that’s one-in-a-million and the creme of the crop! You are the icing on the cake! That’s right, I sure am!

I know you`re jealous. I`d like to thank my mom and dad for making this miracle possible. It’s MY BIRTHDAY!

A very Happy Birthday to me, heartfelt wishes to myself, happy birthday me awesome!

It’s that time of year again. You know—the cake and ice cream. It’s my outrageous birthday! Time to start the party!

It’s my favorite kind of day! I can’t wait for lots of laughs, lots of cake, and lots of love! Happy Birthday to my dearest self!

I can sense from afar that today is the world’s most humble guy’s birthday. Wishing myself great years ahead.

It’s always a sheer honor to look into the mirror every morning and meet someone as amazing as me! So happy birthday to that amazing person!

Happy Birthday to me! Today is all about myself so I am going to enjoy all the attention and love people shower on the birthday girl!

Happy Birthday to me! My birthday is the most special day of the year so I hope my family and friends throw me a big surprise party!

Birthday Prayers for Myself

God has been kind and merciful to me in all these years. Today, I thank him for adding another year to my life. Praying for my life to be showered by happiness in abundance!

I pray to God that he grants me many more joyous occasions like this. It is only by his grace that I’m living this beautiful life!

Success shall find my pants down in this new age of mine. I pray that my day and night be full of joy, thank you Lord for sparing my life!

Many rains have fallen and the barren land had absorbed, but here I am alive today, Lord I appreciate your wonders in my life. Happy birthday to me!

Come and celebrate with me coz I’m plus one today. Every good thing of life shall follow me till the end of time.


Much love and success to me, I am plus one today, I pray that the Lord shall ease my ways and bequeath my situations with prosperity!

In this very special day I was born, I ask the Lord to shower me with an endless blessing and grant me all of my heart desires.

Happy birthday to my darling self, I am plus one, please pray that the Lord give me a breakthrough this year.

Today I will be selfish; I want to be focus only on myself so I can feel the best of the special day I was born. Happy birthday to me!

I’m such an awesome person yet you can’t recognize that because I’m plus one today, a special and cute day to me. Happy to me, I and myself!

Today marks the day a prince of passion was born into this world, I pray that the Lord should make me reign forever. Happy birthday to me.

Thank you Lord for all you have done for me, may the coolness of your passion cover me today and for the rest of my life. Happy birthday to me!

I beseech the Lord to cover me with His garment of light for me to see clearly in the matters of life, I ask the Lord to wrap me in His power so prosper, happy birthday to me!

In the moment when no one can help, Lord you stood by my side, when I was born and till now that I’m grown up. Bless my hustle Lord. Happy birthday to me!

I wish myself the best happy birthday in life; I request that my days be full of success and inspiration, joy and happiness, love and prosperity!

I am plus one today, I want to celebrate with me and enjoy every good success the Lord has bestowed upon this new age. Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to my one and only self, I am a treasured year old today; I beseech the Lord to ease my affairs now and forever!

On this special occasion of my life, I pray for nothing else than the guidance of lord in everything I do and every path I take. Happy birthday to myself!

I pray for pure happiness and peace of mind as I wave goodbye to yet another blessed year from my life. Dear Lord, thank you for making me wiser more mature!

I pray for myself that this new age of mine comes with a wave of happiness. Happy birthday to myself. Today, I ‘m asking for the guidance of God in every step of my life.

Praying for myself to be always surrounded by good people and great minds. May the mercy of God be with me forever like always. Happy birthday to myself!

Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life. Thanks to all the people who remembered me today by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes.

The success that cannot be hidden, The testimonies that are too big to share, Miracles that never happened to anyone, Shall be my lot today and forever. Even as I celebrate my birthday. Amen. Happy Birthday to me.

One more year has been successfully completed. Its a happy birthday to me today. God bless me!

Countless joy, peace, and love are all I pray for as I turn one year older. Thank you to all who have helped me along the way. Happy birthday to me.

Turning a year older means I get to be wiser than ever before. My heart desires to be grateful always and to appreciate everyone in my life every other day. Very happy birthday to me.

I hope that this special day will blossom into achieved goals and accomplished dreams. Happy birthday to the happy person I am.

Happy birthday to me. Thank you, mom and dad, for bringing such a wonderful gift in the world and for always showing me the way.

I’m so excited today simply because it’s my birthday. I pray for peace, prosperity, and happiness above all things. May God bless me continually.

Today, I choose to forget all my problems and paint a smile on my face because I am blessed. A most spectacular birthday for me.

I might not be the most powerful or richest person in the world, but I have a sound mind and peace. On this birthday, I celebrate all the small priceless things that we take for granted. Happy birthday to me.

May I have the best birthday today. I wish myself a life filled with happiness to the brim and the life-long realization that as long as I have life, I am rich.

Let me be the first one to wish myself a superb birthday and favor beyond imagination. I celebrate me!

I count myself blessed to see another beginning in my life. I pray on this day, that joy and favor will be with me for the rest of the year and that I will fulfill my destiny. Happy birthday to me.

This year shall be my best year. I count on You, Lord, to make it happen. Happy birthday to me.

My youth is renewed day by day. God has been so kind to me; I cannot tell it all. May His grace which found me, continue to sustain me. Happy birthday to me.

Today, I declare that I will live long in the land of the living to do unlimited exploits. In my year of bloom, may my hand never be heavy to reap my benefits. Happy birthday to me.

My prayer for myself on this day is that l will not regret my new year which begins this day. Happy birthday to me.

The work of my hands is blessed. My efforts to prosper shall always prevail. The love of God shall distinguish me amongst many. Happy birthday to me.

The faithfulness of the Lord shall never cease in my life. All the good things will be provided for. Happy birthday to me. I am deeply grateful to Him.

I leap for joy as I celebrate God’s tremendous love for me! God, your love nourishes me. God, your enormous love for me makes me laugh for joy! I sing for joy at your lavish love for me!

The eyes that have seen me break down in sorrows, Shall see me being lifted up in all your ways. The hand that has been given to me, Shall begin to receive from me. This shall happen to me from today, and forever. Amen. Happy birthday to me.

I pray for protection and guidance in my everyday journey…I also pray for the good health and happiness of my family and friends. In Jesus name, I pray.

The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.

Dear God, today marks my birthday so thank you for blessing me with such a peaceful life! I am truly grateful to be able to breathe every day.

Short Birthday Message To Myself

I’m celebrating me and it’s my Birthday!

Happy Birthday To Me, Myself and I!

Happy Birthday to the sexiest person Alive.

It feels good to be older. Happy birthday to the awesome person that lives in me! You are just amazing!

The best thing about every birthday is they always come up with a better version of me every year. I love to be me!

Happy birthday to myself! I’m always proud to be me.

I only drink on two occasions; when it’s my birthday and when it’s not.

Hope my birthday blossoms into lots of dreams come true!

Happy Birthday from me to I! Cheers to a brand new year full of laughter, love and new friendships!

Yes, today is my birthday, Therefore I will be treated like a Queen.

Birthdays are beneficial for me. The more I have, the more I live. lol.

Happy Birthday to me! May I live to be old and toothless.

Hey Everyone.. Eat, drink and make merry because it is my birthday.

Happy Birthday to someone awesome, talented, beautiful, and funny! Yes, that’s right, it’s my birthday!

Thank you Mom for giving birth to this wonderful world.

I was born with a gift, the gift of awesomeness. I’m not just a year older. I’m also a year better and prettier.

Happy Birthday to the better version of myself! I’m proud of my journey!

To one year older and infinity times cooler me, happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to me! Blessed to be born in this beautiful world!

The whole world is celebrating me today, so happy birthday to me!

May the future brings me personal growth. Happy Birthday to me!

Birthday Quotes for Me

“Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.” – Jean Paul

“I’m a summer baby, so I usually have my birthday as a good summer memory.” – Sloane Crosley

“It is lovely, when I forget all birthdays, including my own, to find that somebody remembers me.” – Ellen Glasgow

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Most of us can remember a time when a birthday, especially if it was one’s own, brightened the world as if a second sun has risen.” – Thomas Moore

“The way I see it, you should live every day like it’s your birthday.” – Paris Hilton

“Cakes are special. Every birthday, every celebration ends with something sweet, a cake, and people remember. It’s all about the memories.” – Buddy Valastro

“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” – Lucille Ball

“There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents, and only one for birthday presents, you know.” – Lewis Carroll

“I don’t mind getting older; it’s a privilege denied to so many!” – Chris Geiger

“We have to be able to grow up. Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be.” – Lauren Hutton

“You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.” – Bob Hope

“The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.” – Madeleine L’Engle

“The return of my birthday, if I remember it, fills me with thoughts which it seems to be the general care of humanity to escape.” – Samuel Johnson

“Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter.” – Mark Twain

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