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Difference Between Buck and Doe Rabbit

Do you want to know the difference between a buck and a doe?

The buck is the male rabbit while the doe is the female rabbit, but there is more to it than just the gender. The simple meanings of some frequently used rabbit terms are in our rabbit glossary.

In this article, we will show you how to physically and behaviorally tell a male rabbit from a female.

Difference Between Buck and Doe Rabbit

You should understand the differences between male and female rabbits because they can impact their care, behavior, and management.

Now let us talk about the various aspects of these differences, including physical characteristics, behavior, reproduction, care, housing, training, and age-related changes.

Physical Differences Between Buck and Doe Rabbits

Male rabbits, or bucks, and female rabbits, or does, exhibit several physical differences that can help identify their sex:

1. Size

Male rabbits tend to be larger and have broader heads than female rabbits.

Females may have a dewlap, a fold of skin under the chin that helps them insulate their nests.

2. Weight

Males generally weigh more than females, although this can vary depending on the breed.

3. Genitalia

The most accurate way to determine the sex of a rabbit is to examine its genitalia.

Male rabbits have testicles and a penis, while female rabbits have a vulva.

Behavioral Differences Between Buck and Doe Rabbits

Male and female rabbits exhibit different behavioral traits:

1. Temperament

Males are generally more laid-back and easygoing, while females can be more assertive and independent.

2. Social Behavior

Males may be more inclined to bond with other rabbits, while females can be territorial and dominant, especially with other females.

3. Territorial Behavior

Both sexes can be territorial, but unspayed females may be more prone to aggressive behavior.

Reproductive Differences Between Buck and Doe Rabbits

Reproductive differences significantly impact breeding and rabbit management:

1. Breeding Behaviors

Males are more likely to exhibit mounting behaviors, while females may be more selective about their mates.

2. Gestation Period

The gestation period for female rabbits is approximately 28-32 days.

Males do not go through gestation.

3. Litter size

Litter size can vary but usually ranges from 2-12 kits.

Just like humans, male rabbits don’t give birth.

Care Differences for Male and Female Rabbits

Proper care for male and female rabbits involves addressing their specific needs:

1. Dietary Needs

Both sexes require a balanced diet of hay, vegetables, pellets, and occasional treats, but females may need additional food if they are pregnant or nursing.

2. Grooming

Regular grooming is essential for all rabbits, but unspayed females may require additional attention during shedding season due to hormonal changes.

3. Health Concerns

Males may be more prone to testicular cancer and should be neutered if it’s not breeding stock.

Females face a high risk of uterine cancer and should be spayed if not kept for breeding purposes.

Housing Differences Between Male and Female Rabbits

Housing requirements vary based on the sex of the rabbit:

1. Space Requirements

Both sexes require ample space to exercise and explore, but females may need additional room if they are pregnant or nursing.

2. Separation

Male and female rabbits should be housed separately or sterilized to prevent unwanted breeding.

Training Differences Between Male and Female Rabbits

Training male and female rabbits can differ due to their different behaviors:

1. Litter Training

Both sexes can be litter trained, but females may take longer to adapt due to their territorial nature.

2. Obedience Training

Males may be more responsive to training due to their laid-back temperament, while females may require more patience and persistence.

Age-Related Differences Between Male and Female Rabbits

Age-related differences affect behavior and health:

1. Sexual Maturity

Male rabbits reach sexual maturity around 3-5 months, while females mature around 4-6 months.

2. Behavioral changes

Hormonal changes can increase aggression or territorial behavior in both sexes at any age, especially if not sterilized.

Male Vs. Female Rabbit Personality

Individual rabbits have unique personalities, and there is a wide range of behaviors and temperaments within both sexes.

However, we have observed some general trends in male and female rabbits.

Male rabbits (bucks):

  1. Generally more easy-going and laid back in comparison to female rabbits.
  2. They can be more affectionate and social, often seeking attention and cuddles.
  3. Unneutered bucks might display territorial behavior like spraying urine or marking territory or aggressive behavior like mounting or fighting.
  4. Neutering helps reduce these behaviors and makes male rabbits calmer and easier to handle.

Female rabbits (does):

  1. They can be more independent and assertive than male rabbits.
  2. Some female rabbits may be more protective of their living space, which could lead to territorial behaviors.
  3. Unspayed does can experience false pregnancies, leading to nest-building behaviors and mood swings.
  4. Spaying female rabbits make them more docile, reduces territorial behaviors, and eliminates the risk of certain reproductive cancers.

Remember that each rabbit is an individual, and their personality can be influenced by breed, age, genetics, upbringing, and socialization.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”How Can I Determine The Gender Of My Rabbit And Distinguish Between A Buck And A Doe?” answer-0=”To determine the gender of a rabbit, gently hold the rabbit on its back or have someone else hold it securely. Examine the genital area, applying gentle pressure around the anus to expose the genitals. The penis of a male rabbit will have a rounded, tubular appearance. In contrast, a female rabbit’s vulva will appear as a slit.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Is There A Difference In The Lifespan Or General Health Of Bucks And Does?” answer-1=”Lifespan and general health are usually similar between the sexes. Spaying and neutering can improve overall health and reduce the risk of certain health issues, such as reproductive cancers.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What Are The Main Factors To Consider When Deciding Whether To Adopt A Buck Or A Doe Rabbit?” answer-2=”Consider the rabbit’s personality, your living situation, and your ability to provide appropriate care, including spaying or neutering, vaccinations, and veterinary check-ups.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”How Do The Spaying And Neutering Procedures Differ For Bucks And Does, And What Are The Benefits Of These Surgeries?” answer-3=”Spaying involves removing the uterus and ovaries of a female rabbit. In contrast, neutering involves removing the testicles of a male rabbit. Benefits include reduced aggressive and territorial behaviors, prevention of unplanned pregnancies, and a reduced risk of certain health issues, such as reproductive cancers.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]


Understanding the differences between male and female rabbits is necessary for providing proper care, management, and breeding.

You can better accommodate your rabbit’s needs by considering the unique physical characteristics, behavior, reproductive traits, and specific care requirements.

We hope this article helped you know the difference between a Buck and a Doe rabbit. If you have any questions, kindly comment below, and we will answer them.

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