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Do Female Rabbits Hump?

Have you ever wondered if female rabbits hump?

Humping can serve various purposes and may have different meanings depending on the context. In some cases, humping is purely a sexual behavior; in other cases, none sexual.

In this article, we will let you know if female rabbits hump, and we’ll also discuss reproduction and sexual behaviors in rabbits.

Do Female Rabbits Hump?

Yes, female rabbits do hump.

It may seem counterintuitive as humping is often associated with males across many species.

However, in rabbits, both males and females engage in this behavior.

You should understand that humping in rabbits is not solely related to reproduction or sexual behavior. It can also signify dominance, playfulness, or even stress.

Female Rabbit Sexual Behavior

Let’s discuss the sexual behavior of female rabbits.

Humping vs. Mounting

You should understand the nuances of rabbit behavior to interpret what you’re observing correctly.

Humping and mounting in rabbits are often intertwined but can indicate different things.

Mounting is a behavior where one rabbit climbs onto the back of another, mimicking the act of mating.

Humping, however, can involve similar physical actions but is often characterized by faster, repeated motions.

While both these behaviors can be linked to sexual maturity and the instinct to mate, they are also exhibited outside of a strictly reproductive context.

Both male and female rabbits may engage in humping or mounting to communicate dominance, mark territory, or respond to stressors.

Reasons for Humping

Like their male counterparts, female rabbits use humping as a form of communication.

One of the most common reasons is to establish dominance.

Rabbits live in hierarchical groups, and males and females can vie for the top spot.

A female rabbit might hump another rabbit, irrespective of their sex, to assert her position in the group.

This is often observed in new groups or after introducing a new rabbit.

Apart from dominance, humping can also be a response to stress or a display of excitement.

For instance, changes in the living environment, the presence of predators, or even a new type of food can cause rabbits to hump.

Also, unspayed female rabbits may display more frequent humping behaviors aligned with their hormonal cycles.

Male Rabbit Sexual Behavior

Let us also look at the sexual behavior of male rabbits too.

Humping vs. Mounting

Like females, male rabbits also engage in both humping and mounting.

Although these behaviors are commonly associated with sexual activity, particularly in unneutered males, they are not solely confined to it.

Male rabbits can hump other rabbits, objects, or even human legs for reasons other than mating.

Reasons for Humping

Humping in male rabbits can be a display of dominance, similar to females.

Male rabbits often use humping to assert their position in the group hierarchy.

Also, changes in the environment or the presence of stressors can trigger humping behavior.

Hormonal urges play a significant role in male rabbit humping, especially in unneutered males.

The drive to reproduce can lead to frequent humping episodes.

However, you should note that even neutered males can hump to assert dominance or respond to stress.

Reproductive Health

Let’s dive into rabbits’ reproductive health.

Pregnancy and Humping

While humping is not a definitive sign of pregnancy in rabbits, increasing humping behavior could indicate pregnancy if the female rabbit has been around an unneutered male.

But you should not jump to conclusions.

Pregnancy in rabbits can be confirmed by palpation by an experienced individual or a veterinarian, or in later stages, by noticeable weight gain and nest-building behavior.

Medical Concerns

Although humping is a normal behavior in rabbits, you should keep an eye on any changes or extremes in behavior.

If humping becomes incessant, it could potentially indicate a health issue.

For example, urinary tract infections, neurological problems, or even parasites can cause changes in behavior, including increased humping.

If you notice that your rabbit’s humping behavior is paired with other concerning signs, such as loss of appetite, changes in drinking or urination habits, lethargy, or visible distress, the rabbit is ill.

Training and Behavioral Modification

If your rabbit’s humping behavior becomes excessive or problematic, training methods can help modify this behavior.

Positive Reinforcement Training

One of the most effective strategies is positive reinforcement training.

This involves rewarding your rabbit when she exhibits desirable behavior. The reward could be a favorite treat, petting, or verbal praise.

For example, if your rabbit starts to hump, gently redirect her attention to a toy or activity.

When she engages in the desired behavior, reward her immediately. This can help her associate positive outcomes with not humping.

Negative Reinforcement Training

Negative reinforcement training involves removing or avoiding a negative consequence when the rabbit performs the desired behavior.

In humping, this could involve removing the rabbit from a situation where she tends to hump frequently.

However, you should be careful with negative reinforcement to avoid causing stress or fear.

Any training should be done with patience and consistency, and punishment should never be used as it can harm the rabbit physically and psychologically.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Why Do Female Rabbits Hump Me?

As said earlier, humping is a normal rabbit behavior unrelated to mating.

Female rabbits can hump people or other animals to display dominance, establish hierarchy, or out of excitement or stress.

It can also indicate hormonal behavior, especially if the rabbit is not spayed.

How Do I Stop My Female Rabbit From Mounting?

If your female rabbit is mounting excessively and causing problems, consider getting her spayed, which can reduce hormonal behaviors.

Environmental enrichment (toys, exercise time, etc.) can help keep her occupied.

If she attempts to mount you, gently discourage the behavior and redirect her attention to something else.

Will Female Rabbits Hump Males?

Yes, female rabbits can and do hump males.

This is often a dominance behavior common in rabbits, regardless of sex. It’s a way for one rabbit to establish itself as the ‘top’ rabbit in the hierarchy.

Why Do Female Rabbits Hump Their Babies?

If a female rabbit is humping her babies, it might be a dominance display, but it’s not a typical behavior and could be a sign of stress or other issues.

Should I Let My Rabbits Hump Each Other?

In general, it’s okay for rabbits to hump each other as a dominance display.

However, if it’s leading to fights or one rabbit seems distressed, you may need to intervene.

Excessive humping can also cause stress or injury, especially if one rabbit is much larger than the other.

Observe the situation to ensure it doesn’t become aggressive.


Although it can sometimes surprise you, female rabbits hump, which is normal and can be attributed to various factors, including dominance, stress, excitement, or reproductive urges.

Observe your rabbit’s behavior, provide a healthy, stress-free environment, and seek veterinary advice when needed.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits do hump. If you have further questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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