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How Many Rabbits Can Live Together?

Have you ever wondered how many rabbits can live together in one cage?

Providing your pet rabbit with a friend or two may sound appealing. Yes, we are totally in support because rabbits can die of loneliness. Still, there are critical factors to consider, such as their social behavior, cage size, the impact of gender and neutering, and recognizing signs of stress or conflict.

In this article, we will discuss the basic things you need to know about rabbits cohabiting and much more.

How Many Rabbits Can Live Together?

The answer is not as straightforward as you might think, as it depends on several factors, such as the size of the cage, the size and breed of the rabbits, and their temperaments.

Generally, two or three can comfortably live together for smaller breeds, granted they have sufficient space.

Larger breeds or rabbits that are more territorial may do best in twos.

The golden rule is providing ample space for each rabbit, regardless of their number.

Overcrowding can lead to stress, aggression, and health problems.

Rabbit Social Behavior

Rabbits, by nature, are social creatures that thrive in the company of their kind.

In the wild, rabbits live in groups, offering protection, companionship, and a means of grooming each other.

However, domesticated rabbits differ from their wild counterparts, and their social dynamics can be complex.

It would be best to understand that overcrowding could lead to stress and agitation in rabbits.

An overly crowded environment can trigger territorial instincts, leading to fights and potential injuries.

Also, high-stress levels can significantly impact a rabbit’s health and behavior.

Impact of Gender & Neutering on Cohabitation

The gender and neutering status of rabbits significantly influences their ability to cohabitate peacefully. To fully understand this, let’s discuss the effects of gender and neutering on rabbit cohabitation.

1. The Role of Gender in Cohabitation

Gender plays a significant role in the compatibility of rabbits.

Male rabbits, known as bucks, can be territorial and may exhibit aggressive behavior, especially when in the company of other males.

On the other hand, female rabbits, called does, can also be territorial and may show aggression if they feel their space is being invaded.

This instinctive territorial behavior can cause conflicts if you house rabbits of the same gender together.

However, it’s not always the case that same-gender pairings will result in disputes.

With the proper introduction process and sufficient space, same-gender pairs, particularly females, can form tight bonds and live together harmoniously.

Regarding opposite-gender pairing, a male and female rabbit typically get along better than same-sex pairs.

But, there’s a high chance of breeding if they are not neutered or spayed, leading to an uncontrolled increase in population and potential health risks for the female due to frequent pregnancies.

2. Influence of Neutering on Rabbit Cohabitation

Neutering, surgically removing animal reproductive organs, significantly affects rabbit cohabitation. The process is called castration; for females, it’s called spaying.

Neutering male rabbits reduces aggressive and territorial behavior, making them more amiable towards their cage mates.

Neutered males are less likely to exhibit behaviors like spraying, mounting, and fighting, which can disrupt peaceful cohabitation.

For female rabbits, spaying prevents unwanted pregnancies and reduces the risk of uterine cancer, a common health issue in unspayed does.

Spayed females are generally more relaxed, less territorial, and thus more likely to coexist peacefully with other rabbits.

In mixed-gender groups, neutering prevents unwanted litters. Rabbits breed prolifically, and controlling their population can be a challenging task.

Moreover, constant breeding can take a toll on a female rabbit’s health, making spaying and castrating an option for peaceful cohabitation and a responsible health decision.

3. Same-sex and Opposite-sex Pairings Post Neutering

Once rabbits are neutered or spayed, same-sex and opposite-sex pairings can coexist peacefully in the same cage.

Same-sex pairs, either two neutered males or two spayed females, can live together harmoniously. They are less likely to fight over territorial disputes or mates and can form strong social bonds.

They provide each other with companionship, grooming assistance, and shared warmth during colder times.

Opposite-sex pairings, where both the male and female are neutered or spayed, often have the highest success rate for peaceful cohabitation.

They tend to form close bonds and can keep each other company without the risk of unplanned breeding.

Role of Proper Rabbit Cage Size

Rabbit cage size significantly impacts your pets’ physical health, emotional well-being, and social lifestyle.

Let’s discuss the importance of having an appropriate cage size for your furry friends.

1. Connection Between Cage Size & Rabbit Health

Rabbits are active and energetic animals that require ample space to run, jump, and explore.

A cage that’s too small restricts their movement, leading to a lack of exercise and health issues like obesity and bone deterioration.

Moreover, the lack of adequate space can also lead to poor hygiene.

Rabbits need separate areas within their cage for different activities, including eating, sleeping, and eliminating.

In a cramped cage, they may be forced to eat and sleep close to their waste, increasing the risk of bacterial infections and diseases.

2. Cage Size Influencing Behavior and Stress Levels

Insufficient space in a rabbit’s cage doesn’t just impact their physical health; it can also significantly affect their behavior and emotional well-being.

Rabbits are instinctively territorial, and when their space is limited, it can result in increased stress and anxiety.

Such distress can manifest in behavioral problems, such as aggression, biting the cage bars, over-grooming, or even self-harm.

Rabbits living in too-close quarters may fight over territory, leading to injuries.

3. Cage Size Guidelines for Multiple Rabbits

The Rabbit Welfare Association recommends a minimum space of 3m x 2m x 1m for a pair of average-sized rabbits.

This size allows rabbits to make at least three hops from one end to another and stand up entirely on their hind legs without their ears touching the top of the enclosure.

For each additional rabbit, the cage size should increase proportionately. Keep in mind; these are just the minimum recommendations.

More space is always better and will allow your rabbits to exhibit their natural behaviors freely, improving their overall quality of life.

You should consider the rabbit’s breed and size when considering the cage size.

Larger breeds, like Flemish Giants, will need significantly more space than smaller breeds, like Netherland Dwarfs.

4. The Role of Outdoor Exercise

In addition to their indoor living space, rabbits need a safe and secure outdoor area to play and exercise regularly.

This outdoor space allows them to engage in natural behaviors, like digging, grazing, and exploring, contributing to their physical health and mental stimulation.

If an outdoor exercise area isn’t possible, consider rabbit-proofing an indoor room where your pets can roam freely under supervision.

Introducing New Rabbits to the Cage

Adding a new rabbit to a cage with an existing group or pair can be exciting yet challenging.

Introducing new rabbits is essential for establishing a harmonious group and avoiding stress or conflict.

Here, we’ll delve into the details of successfully integrating a new rabbit into the cage.

1. Preparation Stage

Before introducing a new rabbit, ensure all rabbits involved are healthy to prevent the spread of diseases.

All rabbits neutered or spayed are also recommended to minimize territorial and mating-related aggression.

2. Neutral Territory

When introducing the new rabbit, choose a neutral area unfamiliar to the existing rabbit or rabbits. This strategy helps minimize territorial disputes that may arise.

The neutral area should be spacious enough for the rabbits to move around but small enough that they cannot avoid each other.

3. Gradual Introduction

Start the introductions gradually, with short meetings initially. Monitor their interactions closely. There might be some chasing, mounting, or light nipping – this is part of them establishing a hierarchy.

However, if serious fights break out, separate them immediately to prevent injuries. After each session, please place them in adjoining but separate spaces where they can see and smell each other without direct contact.

4. Increasing Time Together

Gradually increase the time they spend together, always under supervision. Observe their behaviors for signs of bonding, such as grooming, eating together, or lying beside each other.

5. Moving to the Permanent Cage

Once the rabbits are comfortable with each other and showing positive signs, you can consider moving them to their permanent cage.

Before doing this, thoroughly clean the cage to remove any scent markings from the previous occupant(s), making it neutral territory.

Monitor them closely during the first few days in the new cage to ensure no renewed territorial aggression.

6. Overcoming Challenges

Despite your best efforts, the integration process may not always go smoothly. You may encounter challenges such as persistent aggression, fear, or refusal to interact.

These issues can often be overcome with patience and a gradual, step-by-step approach.

In some cases, techniques like stress bonding – where the rabbits are placed in a mildly stressful situation, like a car ride, to encourage them to seek comfort in each other – may help.

Remember, each rabbit is unique, and their time to accept a new companion can vary greatly. Some might form immediate friendships, while others may take weeks or months to bond fully.

Signs of Stress or Conflict in Rabbit Groups

Rabbits have their unique ways of showing stress or conflict.

Signs to look out for include fighting, biting, fur pulling, or changes in eating or grooming habits.

Should conflict occur, separating the rabbits and reintroducing them gradually can help.

If issues persist, professional help from a vet or animal behaviorist might be necessary.

Always prioritize your rabbits’ health and happiness, adjusting their living conditions as needed.


Here are some frequently asked questions.

Can 2 Female Rabbits Live With 1 Male Rabbit?

Two females and one male can live together, but it’s not typically recommended unless all are spayed and neutered.

Even then, personality clashes could lead to fights. Male rabbits can be particularly territorial and may exhibit aggressive behaviors, especially if unspayed females are present.

You should consider the risk of accidental breeding if the rabbits are not all fixed.

Can 2 Female Rabbits Live In The Same Cage?

Yes, two female rabbits can live together in the same cage, especially if they are introduced at a young age or are spayed.

However, rabbits have personalities like all animals, and some may not get along.

You should monitor their behavior closely, particularly initially, and intervene if aggressive behaviors are observed.

How Do I Stop My Rabbits From Fighting?

Separate the rabbits immediately at the first sign of a fierce fight.

Reintroduce them gradually in a neutral space where neither rabbit has established territory. Having both rabbits spayed/neutered can help reduce aggression.

Sometimes, you may need to consult with a rabbit behaviorist or consider keeping them in separate but adjacent spaces where they can still interact without fighting.

Can 3 Sister Rabbits Live Together?

Yes, three sister rabbits can live together, especially if they are raised from a young age.

But, you should still monitor their interactions and have them spayed to prevent hormonal-driven aggressive behavior.

Sometimes, even siblings may fight, so always be prepared to separate them if necessary.

How Many Rabbits Can Live Together In The Wild?

In the wild, rabbits often live in groups called warrens, which can range in size depending on the species and the environment.

Some warrens can include dozens of rabbits, especially in species like the European rabbit.

But, these wild populations are typically a complex mix of related and unrelated individuals with their social structures and hierarchies.


To know how many rabbits can live together, you should first understand rabbit social behavior, the impact of their gender and neutering status, the importance of cage size, and recognize signs of stress or conflict.

Cohabiting rabbits can be a joy as they interact, play, and keep each other company.

But, it would be best if you did this responsibly, considering each rabbit’s needs and ensuring they have sufficient space and a stress-free environment to thrive.

Regular observation and adjustment of living conditions can guarantee your furry friends a happy, healthy life.

We hope this article helped you know how many rabbits can live together in one hutch. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.


1. Louis DiVincenti, J., & Rehrig, A. N. (2016). The Social Nature of European Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS, 55(6), 729-736.

2. John W. Orr, Cyril J. Polson; Uterine Cancer in the Rabbit. The American Journal of Cancer 1 January 1938; 32 (1): 114–125.

3. Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund (RWAF). Outdoor Rabbit Housing.

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