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White Spots on Teeth: Causes and Recommended Remedies

For most people that have experienced numerous white spots on teeth, they have wondered where these undesirable spots came from and what caused it.

Yet these white spots are mostly as a result of poor oral hygiene or food choices which cause other dental problems as well.

So, to make sure that these white spots on teeth are prevented, keep reading the white spots on teeth from white strips, braces, during cold, pregnancy, and other causal factors highlighted below.

What Causes White Spots on Teeth?

White Spots on Teeth

In most cases the occurrence of white spots are not consistent and often manifest in other forms as white marks or stripes, there are several reasons for their appearance and the most common causes are listed below:

1. Dental Fluorosis:

These white spots on teeth after fluoride treatment affects most people especially if they consumed too much fluoride as children.

Children are also susceptible to having white spots on teeth when they reach the age of eight, at the end of their teeth’s development.

Kids have white spots on teeth and it usually manifests as white lines across the middle or bottom of the teeth and is as a result of increased fluoride levels from sources like toothpaste or water.

Factors, like children eating toothpaste or even consuming fluoride mouth rinses, can result in fluorosis.

But the good news is that fluorosis isn’t a condition that affects the health of the teeth and they can be avoided once children brush their teeth with the appropriate amount of toothpaste as directed by the dentist or physician.

Also, white spots on teeth in children under the age of six can be avoided by not allowing them to use fluoride levels exceeding 2.0mg/L.

2. Hypoplasia:

Another cause of white spots on teeth is enamel hypoplasia which occurs when a person’s teeth do not form properly.

This condition happens due to inadequate nutrition during childhood especially when a child’s teeth are still developing.

Unlike fluorosis which does not call for concern medically, hypoplasia can increase the risk of tooth decay as the areas discolored with these white spots are extremely vulnerable to bacteria and decay.

Premature babies and people living with Celiac disease are also susceptible to these white spots as well.

3. Plaque:

Another common cause is plaque and if a plaque builds up in excess on the teeth it can lead to tooth decay.

The best way to remove plaque is to brush the teeth after meals.

The white spots on teeth caused by plaque build-up mostly affect people with poor oral hygiene and those using braces.

These white discoloration can range from pale yellow or a colorless film which leads to the plaque that in turn damage or destroy minerals that make up the teeth.

4. Medications:

Medication can also cause these spots on the teeth, especially in children.

For adults, some medications like antibiotics and high blood pressure medications leave undesirable effects like white spots after it interacts with the mouth and minerals of the teeth.

5. Xerostomia:

Saliva is important not only for the mouth alone but to protect the teeth from leftover food particles and bacteria as well.

But people who suffer from Xerostomia a medical condition also known as dry mouth suffer from plaque buildup that in turn damages their teeth.

Asides from white spots on teeth, dry mouth come with other oral health implications the most common which is demineralization.

White spots on teeth can also cause the teeth to dry out and that is why brushing of the teeth twice daily, after meals, regular flossing, and regular visits to the dentist will improve the overall health of the teeth.

How Do I Get Rid of the White Spots on My Teeth?

These factors highlighted above are some of the reasons why we do experience white spots on teeth but there are several possible treatments that a dentist or physician may recommend depending on the underlying cause of these spots and the conditions of the teeth.

1. Enamel Microabrasion:

This is a professional procedure carried out by a dentist and in this treatment a small amount of enamel is removed from the teeth to reduce the appearance of these white discolorations. It’s then followed by teeth bleaching which makes the teeth uniform in color.

2. Topical Fluoride:

During this procedure a dentist applies topical fluoride to teeth with enamel hypoplasia, this would boost the development of enamel on the teeth and also prevent tooth decay.

3. Dental Veneer:

These are thin protective coverings that a dentist attaches to the front surface of a person’s teeth to conceal these spots effectively.

However, they are expensive because they must be attached by a dentist and are unavailable elsewhere.

4. Composite Resin:

Sufferers of enamel hypoplasia should visit a dentist who would apply composite to fill in cavities and to bond the outer enamel of the teeth.

This treatment may however not be suitable for people with numerous spots on the teeth.

Do White Spots on Teeth Go Away

Maintaining good dental hygiene helps to prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant spots as well as other dental problems.

However, depending on the underlying factor causing these spots, it may disappear after some time or build-up to cause cavities resulting from teeth demineralization.

Therefore it is important that kids and adults practice good Prevention habits and dental hygiene and the tips preventive tops listed below may help greatly;

  • Use fluoride-free water in making formula milk for babies so as to prevent excess build-up of fluoride in the teeth.
  • Use the right amount of toothpaste as recommended by a dentist or physician.
  • Ensure that you follow fluoride supplement recommendations. Reduce the intake of sugary and acidic food and drinks.
  • Regular visits to the dentist are important for treatment interventions that would keep the overall health of the teeth and mouth.


White spots on teeth can easily be eliminated by following good dental hygiene. You can also consult your doctor to see what measures he/she can take to restore your sparkly teeth.


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