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Why Your Belly Button Hurts: Its Treatment and Prevention

The pain around your belly button can make you quite uncomfortable. On hindsight you should not ignore these symptoms, especially if it is consistent.

For that, you have to understand the reasons why you are experiencing pain in your belly button.

Causes Of Belly Button Hurts

Why does my belly button hurt? Here are some causes, and we would tell the treatment and preventive measure as well.

1. Surgery

After you undergo a surgery in the stomach region, pain can occur around the umbilicus. This type of pain is common after surgery as it creates a strange sensation.

2. Piercing

It is not advisable to put on a bellybutton right after a new piercing. If you do so, then it can lead to an infection, ultimately causing your belly button to hurt.

3. Pregnancy

The causes of belly button pain during pregnancy can be due to umbilical hernia, stretching of abdominal wall muscles and the pressure of the fetus on belly button.

4. Hernia

Hernia can occur when soft tissue comes out from a weak point through the stomach muscles. It is not dangerous, but when left unattended, it can lead to complications. Hence, seek help from your doctor.

5. Cystisis

The pain around your belly button can be a common symptom of urinary tract infection known as cystitis. This can cause a dull ache. This infection can be quite progressive when left untreated.

6. Bacterial Infections

There are chances of pain around your belly button when there is an underlying form of bacterial infection in your body. This is quite common with infections affecting the gut, leading to soreness in the affected region.

7. Ulcer

An ulcer is the resultant of excessive stomach acid. There are certain foods that can cause sharp pain, extending to the belly button area.

8. Gallstones

The presence of gallstones can be one of the reasons of pain around your umbilicus. There are several cases of patients suffering from severe pain near the belly button.

9. Constipation

One of the common causes of pain around belly button can be related to constipation. It can happen due to lack of physical activity, irritable bowel syndrome, and poor diet.

10. Umbilical Hernia

An umbilical hernia can cause a soft bulge near the belly button. It can cause discomfort and burning sensation when you cough or stretch your body.

11. Pancreatic Problems

The pancreas aids our digestive system. When our pancreas gets inflamed, its enzymes start attacking the body tissues. It ultimately leads to swelling and pain in belly button.

12. Disorder of the Small Intestine

Any form of infection or disorder in the abdominal area can affect the same intestine. You can experience mild to extreme pain in the belly button if there is a disorder in your small intestine.

13. Appendicitis

Appendicitis can occur due to an inflamed appendix. It can progressively worsen with body movements leading to a vague pain the belly button area.

14. Mesenteric artery ischemia

There are several reasons that can lead to mesenteric arteries such as smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, unhealthy diet, and lack of movement. Its symptoms are pain in the belly button and rectal bleeding.

15. Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome pain often occurs below our belly button and also spreads to our abdomen. Its other symptoms include loose stools, bloating, and constipation.

16. Crohn`s Disease

Crohn’s disease has common symptoms like pain below the belly button. It can be caused due to chronic inflammation of our gastrointestinal tract.

17. Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts can occur commonly in women. Most of the cysts are small in diameter while there are larger ones that can cause discomfort in the ovaries. This pain can be directly felt under the belly button.

18. Urinal Tract Infections

UTI is caused due to an infection in the kidney, uterus, and bladder. If the infection affects your kidneys or uterus, then you can feel a vague pain around belly button.

19. Stomach Flu

Stomach flu occurs when the stomach and bowel movements become inflamed because of a virus. Its symptoms can vary from pain around belly button and diarrhea.

20. Medication Side Effects

If you are on any medication, there are chances of developing side effects like pain around belly button. If you experience such pain then you should consult your GP.

21. Food Poisoning

Food poisoning can lead to continuous vomiting within several hours. It can also lead to severe pain and discomfort around your belly button.

22. Menstrual Cramps

There are several women who experience painful cramps during their menstrual cycle. The pain can intensify in their abdomen causing discomfort around belly button.

23. Heavy Workouts

Heavy workout sessions such as intense stretching and weight lifting can lead to pain around belly button.

24. Stretching

After delivery women develop stretch marks on their belly. Due to the rapid growth over several months, the bellybutton tends to get irritated leading to an uncomfortable sensation.

Treatment For Belly Button Pain

The treatment for your belly button pain will depend on its cause. Some causes are relatively normal and pass on their own, and others require treatment from a doctor. In some cases, you’ll need emergency care.

To treat a hernia

Your doctor will treat a hernia with either open hernia repair or laparoscopic repair. Nonsurgical treatments aren’t recommended, as the condition can worsen.

To treat Crohn’s disease

This disease requires lifelong treatment, which may include medications, surgery, stress management, nutritional counseling, and dietary supplements.

To treat indigestion

It’s important to determine the cause of your indigestion in order to find the right treatment. You may discover that you’re lactose intolerant, have celiac disease, or have trouble digesting other types of foods.

Work with your doctor to determine your cause of indigestion for the best treatment approach.

To treat appendicitis

This condition is treated with surgery, called an appendectomy. Your doctor may either remove the appendix through an incision site or use a laparoscopic treatment, which requires only small incisions.

To treat an ulcer

Most ulcers are treated with prescriptions, though sometimes surgery is needed. The most common non-surgical treatments are antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). You may also need antibiotics, follow-up endoscopies, and H2 receptor blockers.

To treat round ligament pain

This condition is usually treated with daily stretches and rest. Change positions slowly, and flex and bend your hips if you know you’re going to sneeze, laugh, or cough.

Prevention & Precautions

  1. Check with a reputable piercing salon with well-trained piercers. Visiting a professional salon is safer because they make use of quality jewellery for their piercings. And by quality piercing jewellery we mean jewellery encrusted with implant grade stainless steel, titanium, solid white or yellow gold, and so on.
  1. Professional piercers make use of a hollow needle to create their piercing rather than making use of needle gun. Do not go for a piercer that uses needle guns as using it can lead to skin damage and infections.
  1. It is important to wash your hands using antibacterial hand cleanser before touching your piercing. The dirt on fingers can easily transfer to your piercing and cause an infection.
  1. Clean the piercing twice a day using soap. Or, make use of a Q-tip dipped in saltwater to remove the crust or dirt. But limit using the Q-tip to three times in a day.
  1. A steamy shower is safer than taking a bath with standing water.
  1. Pat dry piercing area with disposable paper towels as they are more hygienic compared to bath towels.
  1. While you are in the shower, avoid twisting or playing with your piercing. This can irritate the skin further and worse-cause bleeding.
  1. Aftercare suggestions should be religiously followed without delay.
  1. Consult with piercing professionals for taking vitamins after the process. A daily dose of Vitamin C, zinc, and multivitamins can speed up healing process.
  1. Do not make use of harsh cleansers such as hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol.
  1. Any form of makeup, lotions, and sunscreens should not be applied near piercing area. These products can lead to skin infection.
  1. Wear loose breathable clothing to prevent friction against piercing.
  1. Be careful when undressing. You might accidently snag piercing when removing clothes roughly.
  1. Sleeping on your back and sides for the first few weeks can prevent putting uncomfortable pressure on piercing.
  1. If you have doubts in your mind about certain complications, then consult your piercer. They will examine your piercing to check for problems.

When to consult a doctor?

If you are not sure about few skin reactions, then you should always consult your primary care doctor. Check with a doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms after piercing- severe pain, bleeding, swelling, and discharge.

Your health provider can prescribe antibiotics to fight off the infection and speed up the healing process.

I hope this article has given insight into some of these queries; why does my belly button hurt when i pee, pain inside belly button, belly button pain pregnancy, belly button pain female, pain above belly button, pain 2 inches left of belly button, pain around belly button and bloating, stabbing pain in belly button.

If you still have question, please comment below.

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