Thursday, March 13, 2025

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4 Habits That Will Help You Sleep Better

While sleeping may seem like an unproductive time, it’s a necessity for your body because it’s during the rest when your body systems regenerate.

The energy you’ve spent during the day is replenished as you sleep, and your body becomes recharged for a full day again the next morning. This is why no matter how busy you may be, sleeping well shouldn’t be compromised.


Building Healthy Sleeping Pattern

If you’ve long struggled with having adequate sleep, the good news is you have power over how your sleep quality would be. When you make the switch and follow healthy sleeping habits, you’ll start to see noticeable the fine line between a restful slumber and restlessness.

You don’t have to make sudden changes in your lifestyle right away if’s difficult to abide by. You can start with small and gradual changes that’ll later become a discipline. This article could help you, along with a great guide to read for cultivating better sleep. 

The following are tips on how to make your sleep better:

  1. Set And Follow A Routine

No matter how busy your day might get, make it a point to retire to your bed and wake up at a regular time in the morning. This is important so your body would be able to establish an internal body clock that can help optimize your sleep. Through this, your body will find itself naturally able to sleep easily and effortlessly.

To optimize your sleep quality, don’t just choose a bedtime at random. Force yourself to go to sleep when your body feels tired the most. In this way, you can avoid wasted time twisting and turning while lying down.

In creating a routine, it’s also helpful to abide by these practices:

  • Avoid Oversleeping During Weekends 

When you’re trying to create a routine, sleeping in will break what you’ve already started to do. If it’s necessary to make up sleep, choose to have a nap during the day to avoid disruption in your sleeping cycle.

  • Be Wise In Taking Naps 

Your nap should only be around 20-30 minutes to prevent any sleep disruption in the evening. Don’t take a nap late in the afternoon or close to bedtime. Otherwise, doing so will only hamper your ability to sleep better during the night.

  1. Avoid Caffeine And Other Stimulants Before Sleeping

If you need caffeine in the morning to wake you up, then you could only imagine what it’ll do during the night. Caffeine is a stimulant that’ll keep you awake, so you wouldn’t want to take this close to your bedtime.

Typically, the best time frame is to avoid caffeine intake at least four to six hours before retiring to sleep; the same applies to smokers as well. Nicotine is also a stimulant, so it’s best to shy away from this several hours before bedtime.

As to alcohol, the key is about finding the balance in your consumption. If you limit yourself to one to two glasses, alcohol can help bring in sleep after a few hours. But if you drink too much, this can also act as a stimulant. Although you might sleep well at the start, eventually, your intake of alcohol is going to increase your number of awakenings at night.

  1. Use The Right Pillow

If you’ve long had the habit of using the wrong pillow, then it’s about time for you to change what you’re using. While it may seem like a small detail, using the right or wrong pillow can make a huge impact on your overall sleep quality. Typically, this is a matter of personal preference.

If your pillows are old and frumpy, it’s a good idea for you to start shopping for a new one. As you do so, be sure you pay close attention to details like its softness, texture, width, filler, and overall form. Considering these would make sure you’d be comfortable in your sleep.

When you’re confused about which one to buy, don’t be shy to ask the sales representatives for their recommendations. Because of their expertise, they can help you make the right choice as to which pillow to buy.

  1. Regulate Your Light Exposure

Stop the habit of using your phone or gadget before sleeping because it’s not doing anything to help you fall asleep faster. This is very important as it influences your body’s ability to produce melatonin, the hormone which helps in maintaining your sleeping cycle. 

Melatonin is affected by light exposure, and your body produces more of it during nighttime. This is why it’s easier for you to fall asleep in a dark and controlled environment.

Here’s how to change your light exposure:

  • Be Exposed In Sunlight During Mornings

Being exposed to morning sunlight will help you be active and alert, not to mention its other benefits to your skin. It also enables you to create a fixed routine of waking up at the same time.

  • Bring In Natural Light To Your Area

Particularly now that working from home is the norm due to the pandemic, you’ll want to avoid working in the darkness as this will make you sleepy. Instead, bring in as much natural light as you can through your window and door during the day. Try to set up your desk in areas where natural light could enter.

  • Spend More Time Outside During The Day

During your work breaks, go outside and be exposed to the sun. Try walking for a few minutes as this is a good way to keep yourself awake, so in the evening, you’ll fall asleep faster.

Avoid Caffeine And Other Stimulants for better sleep


If you’re one of those who are having difficulty sleeping, it’s time for you to put an end to it. Sleep shouldn’t have to feel like a luxury as it’s a necessity you should always give your body. 

Improving your sleep quality doesn’t have to feel challenging to accomplish. You can start by ticking one tip at a time from the list until eventually, good sleep quality would be something you’d experience regularly.

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