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A Detailed Guide On How To Reduce Body Heat Naturally

While the temperatures outside soar, chances are that the body would heat up since it is exposed to the sun’s scorching rays.

In addition to that, it could be the foods you eat which heat the body up spicy foods, alcohol-based foods and alcohol too, caffeine to a large extent as well should be avoided when the heat is on.

Medical science also says that drugs and medications too can raise the heat in the body. And this is why we are here to tell you ways how to reduce Body heat. Most of them are natural ways and safe.

So here are some causes that cause body heat to rise inside the body. When it goes out of control, there is a list of DIY remedies to control the heat within the human body. A few changes in diet could be the only trick in getting the body back to normal.

Body Heat Causes:

There are many reasons and causes as to why Body heat can happen inside our bodies, of which some are-

  1. When the clothes you wear are too tight and clingy which can trap water and trap heat too
  1. Infections and fevers can cause body heat to rise
  1. An imbalance in the thyroid gland can make the metabolic activity run amok and force the body to produce more heat
  1. Hard labour, strenuous workouts and plenty of physical labour can make the body heat soar
  1. Muscular disabilities and seizures can be the reason for the body heat to increase
  1. Certain medications and stimulants make the body heat rise
  1. Neurological disorders

So here were some of the causes that cause body heat to rise inside the body, and now we shall move on to what the symptoms for the same are- take a look!


The normal body temperature for humans would be 98.6 degrees, with variations on a very slight note that is found to be acceptable.

But if the temperature is above or below the same, it needs correction. This is the time when remedies are to be taken so that the body functions well. Some of the symptoms let out by the body when the heat is high inside would be-

  1. Sleeplessness
  1. Ulcers in the stomach
  1. Burning sensation in the feet and the hands
  1. Heartbeat being too rapid
  1. Cramps due to heat increase
  1. My eyes feel as though they are boiling
  1. Boils and rashes on the skin
  1. Overtly perspiring
  1. GERD, heartburn and acidity
  1. Confusion

Here were some of the symptoms let out by the body when the heat inside runs amok and goes out of control. Now let’s take a look at how to be more aware of body heat.

How To Reduce Body Heat:

Body heat can be reduced by a number of things such as the clothes we wear, the hydration levels in our body, what we eat etc. This points to the fact that most of the body heat is a result of the diet we are on.

Let’s take a quick look into the areas where body heat could be a huge concern – Pregnancy & Toddlers/Babies!

How To Reduce Body Heat During Pregnancy:

Being pregnant already comes with extra care and anxiety. Body heat doesn’t require medicines to combat it if you follow these steps right from the start. Let body heat not add on to the troubles and instead opt for these simple tips :

  • Wear light and breathable fabric day and night.
  • Stay hydrated and avoid the sun.
  • Opt for expert guidance on pregnancy yoga.

How To Reduce Body Heat For Babies:

Babies and Toddlers are at a stage where they need to be watched at every step. From what goes into their mouth to where they’re sneaking out to play. The 3 golden rules you could follow are :

  • Make the kid wear as fewer clothes as possible.
  • Fluids to Solids. Remember this rule.
  • Less sun. More shade.

The food you eat plays an important role from a baby to an old man. Correcting this, could help you deal with body heat better too. While you would love to eat anything and everything, here is a list of food items to control body heat quite immediately within the human system. Oh and a few DIYs too.

Shall we begin?

Body Cooling Foods That Instantly Reduce Body Heat

By consuming some of these foods, you’ll be doing yourself a greater good because it’ll go a long way to reducing the heat within your body.


For many centuries, and it is even mentioned in Ayurveda, body heat can be controlled by consuming buttermilk.

This is best for those that have very high metabolism levels and especially for women suffering from hot flashes. While you sweat, the body loses a lot of vitamins and minerals, which is what the buttermilk restores.

How to consume:

  • Drink a glass of buttermilk every morning while you have your breakfast, which helps maintain the heat levels in the body.
  • Do this by mixing a pinch of salt to a cup of sour curd and mixing it with two tablespoons of water into a frothy mix.

How frequent:

  • Daily

Coconut Water

You can also have coconut water or daab paani every morning on an empty stomach which helps bring down the levels of heat in the body.

The electrolyte composition of coconut water can help with rehydration and brings in nutrients into the body for more energy needs.

How to consume

  • Cut open a fresh coconut and drink the contents within

How frequent:

  • Daily


Lime juice can help bring down illnesses related to high body heat and keeps the body cool as well.

Thanks to the presence of vitamin C in lemons, the temperature is brought down for sure, but also the body stays nourished, and there is plenty of oxygenation that happens within the body, keeping it hydrated too. This means, you stay fresh and energized all through the day while the heat beats on the outside.

How to consume

  • A pinch of salt should be added to a quart glass of concentrated lime juice.
  • Mix a tablespoon of honey in it and a cup of water. Mix well and enjoy.

How frequent:

  • Thrice a day, every day


Thanks to the high levels of water available in watermelon, body heat can be brought down to a large extent, and your body stays hydrated too.

How to consume

  • Cut open and piece up the fruit to have it whole
  • Spice it up as a smoothie mixing herbs and spices in it in a blender and then consuming the smoothie
  • Juice it up in a blender and consume with a dash of lime

How frequent:

  • Once in the morning with breakfast and once in the evening at tea time


While the summer months are on, cucumbers would be one of the healthiest foods to consume. Not only does it rehydrate the body, but also cools the body inside out.

How to consume:

  • Peel the cucumber and slice it, add pepper to spice it with a pinch of salt and have it as a salad.
  • You may also eat it raw and whole, sans the spices.
  • You can juice it up too!

How frequent:

  • As much as you want

Aloe vera

Since time immemorial, aloe vera has been used as a popular DIY remedy to bring down body heat. All thanks to the soothing and cooling properties it has, which keeps the body heat under control.

How to use/consume:

  • Apply the gel of the plant all over the skin and wait for half an hour before having a cold shower.
  • A quart cup water should be mixed with a tablespoon of aloe vera and drunk

How frequent:

  • The gel on the body routine can be done twice a day while drinking the juice of aloe vera should be done just once a day on an empty stomach.

Cool Water

One of the easiest ways to bring down body heat and to help the body recover from the high temperatures would be to have cool water.

How to consume:

  • An ice-cold bath can be done
  • You can enjoy a tall glass of ice water
  • You can soak your feet in a bucket of ice-cold water

How frequent:

  • For the ice bath, it should be done before you leave home, once a day.
  • For the ice water feet soaking ritual, it should be at the end of the day, once a day. And for consuming ice water, it should be done at least five to eight times a day.


One of the most holistic ways to reduce body heat and to cool and soothe the body would be to use sandalwood paste.

How to use:

  • Mix a tablespoon of sandalwood powder and a few drops of cold milk to form a paste.
  • Apply it on the forehead and the arms and the legs.
  • Wait for half an hour and then wash off


  • Dab a few drops on sandalwood oil onto cotton balls and freeze them.
  • Rub the same on the forehead and then relax

How frequent:

  • The sandalwood paste for the body should be done once a day at the end of the day. The sandalwood oil method can be done anytime, but once a day


Peppermint is nature’s way to cool and soothe the body, and to bring down body heat too. This is why we use peppermint oil mostly to soothe headaches and migraines.

How to use:

  • A few drops of peppermint oil should be added to a mug of cold water.
  • Dip cotton in the same and dab around the face and the body.
  • This will make the latent heat escape and also cool and soothe the skin too.

How frequent:

  • Thrice a day

Indian Gooseberry

Amla or Indian gooseberry has a lot of cooling and soothing properties apart from being a nourishing agent, which is why we shall use it as a body coolant too.

How to take or How to do:

  • Mix a quart cup of amla concentrate juice to four parts of water and add a dash of honey to it. Consume it cold thrice a day
  • Mix a quart cup of amla concentrate to four parts of water with a pinch of salt and consume it cold, twice a day

How frequent:

  • Twice or thrice a day

These foods will naturally bring down the body heat and pimples which are caused by it. Now that we have given you the various ways on how to bring down body heat naturally, here are some of the dos and the donts to abide by. Please check them out very well.

Dos and Don’ts

The safety dos

  1. Always stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water, since during the summers you would be losing out plenty of water from the body too
  1. Put on the AC if it is too hot and maintain a cool temperature in the room while. That’s the only way to reduce body heat while sleeping.
  1. Do check the colour of your urine- light and colourless urine means you are safe; coloured urine is a sign of lack of hydration
  1. Don’t wear clothes that are too tight; loose-fitting clothes for the summers and lightweight fabrics should be worn
  1. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect the face and the head
  1. Stay out of the sun during the hours of 11 am – 4 pm, because this is when that the sun’s UV rays are at the highest and radiation can affect you the most.
  1. When working and playing, taking frequent breaks are a must. This is because, when you stress too much, the heat in the body would rise. The slow pace at times, and you would be fine.
  1. To replace the lost minerals and salts from the body, have plenty of juices and ORS water.
  1. Wake up to the sound of a peaceful session of yoga. Body heat through yoga can be reduced effectively.

The safety DONTs

  1. Avoid coffee and caffeine since they are diuretics and can affect the levels of fluid in the body, which are prime towards body temperature regulation
  1. Limit the alcohol intake, which only dehydrates the body further
  1. Keep away from heavy spicy and oily meals, high protein intake, hot soups and beverages too, which only increase the body heat

So here were the safety dos and don’ts with regard to body heat control.

Remember, if you see or experience yourself the nauseatic conditions, heavy sweating, weakness and headache, or paleness of the skin, chances are you could be having a stroke. It is life-threatening and should be treated by a certified specialist immediately.

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