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Should Rabbits Eat Cashews?

Do you want to know if it’s okay for rabbits to eat cashews?

Cashew is a type of nut popular worldwide for its rich flavor and creamy texture. It comes from the cashew tree, scientifically known as Anacardium occidentale. The cashew tree produces both the cashew nut and the cashew apple.

In this article, we will discuss the nutrition facts of cashews, the risks involved, and if it’s a safe snack for your bunnies.

Should Rabbits Eat Cashews?

No, rabbits should not eat cashews or any other kind of nuts.

Cashews can be a tasty treat for humans but unsuitable for rabbits.

Cashews are high in fat and low in fiber, which contrasts with the dietary needs of rabbits.

Rabbits require a fiber-rich diet to maintain proper gut health and keep their digestive systems running smoothly.

Cashew Nutrition Facts

According to USDA FoodData Central, 1 ounce (28g) of raw, unsalted cashews contains the following:

Nutrient Amount
Calories 157
Fat 12g
Sodium 3.4mg
Carbohydrates 8.6g
Fiber 0.9g
Sugars 1.7g
Protein 5.2g
Iron 1.9mg
Magnesium 82.9mg
Copper 0.6mg
Manganese 0.5mg
Vitamin B6 0.1mg
Vitamin K 9.7mcg

Risks Of Feeding Cashews To Rabbits

Feeding cashews to your rabbit, despite its potential interest in them, poses numerous risks, largely due to their high-fat content and lack of necessary fiber.

Let’s delve into the specifics:

1. High-Fat Content

Cashews, like most nuts, contain high levels of fat.

This isn’t an issue for humans and is, in fact, beneficial when consumed in moderation, but rabbits don’t possess the same capacity to process fat.

A rabbit’s diet must be low in fat to maintain optimal health.

Over time, frequent or significant consumption of cashews can lead to excessive weight gain, subsequently increasing the risk of obesity.

Obesity in rabbits can further escalate into many other health issues, including heart disease, liver problems, and arthritis.

These conditions can drastically reduce the rabbit’s quality of life and potentially be life-threatening.

2. Gastrointestinal Issues

Rabbits have a unique and delicate digestive system that requires a diet high in fiber.

The fiber keeps the digestive tract moving, which is crucial to prevent a condition known as GastroIntestinal (GI) stasis.

GI stasis is a severe condition where the rabbit’s digestive system’s normal movement slows down or stops altogether.

This can cause bloating and discomfort; if left untreated, it can be fatal.

Cashews, unfortunately, are low in fiber and high in carbohydrates and fat, making them a poor choice for a rabbit’s diet.

Consuming cashews can disrupt the balance of a rabbit’s digestive system, potentially leading to constipation or, worse, GI stasis.

3. Oxalates and Other Harmful Compounds

Like many nuts and vegetables, cashews contain a naturally occurring compound called oxalates.

In large amounts, oxalates can combine with calcium in a rabbit’s body to form crystals or stones, often leading to painful kidney or bladder stones.

Rabbits, unlike humans, lack the necessary physiological mechanisms to handle these compounds effectively, making the consumption of oxalate-rich foods like cashews a risk.

It’s also worth noting that roasted cashews, a common variety available in stores, are often salted.

Salt and other additives like oil, sugar, or chocolate further compound the health risks for your rabbit.

These additives can lead to an electrolyte imbalance, gastrointestinal disturbances, or even toxicity in rabbits.

Symptoms Of Adverse Reaction

Rabbits that have ingested cashews may exhibit several symptoms indicating an adverse reaction.

These can include lack of appetite, lethargy, decreased fecal production, hard or small fecal pellets, abdominal pain, bloating, and signs of discomfort such as teeth grinding.

If you observe any of these symptoms in your rabbit after it has eaten cashews, you should seek immediate veterinary care.

Preventing Consumption of Unsuitable Foods

Preventing accidental ingestion involves maintaining a safe and controlled diet for your rabbit.

Keep cashews and other unsuitable foods out of your rabbit’s reach.

Ensure family members and guests know the rabbit’s dietary restrictions to avoid unintentionally feeding harmful foods.

Regularly monitor your rabbit during the free-roam time to prevent it from eating anything it shouldn’t.

Measures To Take If Rabbits Has Already Eaten Cashews

If you suspect your rabbit has ingested cashews, act quickly:

  • Remove any remaining cashews: This will prevent further consumption.
  • Monitor your rabbit closely: Look for changes in behavior, activity levels, or toilet habits.
  • Contact your vet: If your rabbit shows any signs of discomfort, call your vet. If possible, tell them what your rabbit has eaten and when.

Safe Fruits, Herbs, and Vegetables for Rabbits

Rabbits can’t eat cashews but can safely eat various fruits, herbs, and vegetables.

Some examples include:


Fruits should be given in small amounts as treats because of their high sugar content. Overfeeding fruits can lead to obesity, dental disease, and diarrhea.

Each fruit has different nutrients:

Apples – High in fiber and vitamin C, but remember to remove the seeds as they contain a substance that can be harmful to rabbits when ingested in large quantities.

Bananas – A good source of vitamin B6, manganese, and potassium, but high in sugar.

Berries – Packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber.

Pineapple – Contains bromelain, an enzyme that can help with fur blockages, but is high in sugar.

Pears – A good source of vitamin C and fiber.

PeachesPlumsKiwi – These fruits have much vitamin C and fiber.

Melon – Hydrating due to high water content but should be fed sparingly due to sugar content.

Cherries – High in antioxidants, but be sure to remove the pit.

Papaya – Contains enzymes that can aid in digesting hairballs.


Herbs can be a good source of vitamins, and rabbits often enjoy their taste. Some benefits of herbs include:

Basil – High in vitamin K, it’s also a good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin A.

Dill – Contains many vitamins A, C and essential minerals like iron and manganese.

Mint – A digestive aid that can help soothe the stomach but should be fed in moderation.

Parsley – Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, but it contains a high amount of calcium, so it should be given in moderation.

Cilantro – A good source of vitamins A, C, and K, and aids in digestion.

Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano – These herbs have various antioxidants and aid digestion.


Vegetables should form a significant part of a rabbit’s diet. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber:

Bell peppers – High in vitamin C, but avoid the seeds.

Broccoli – Provides a range of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, but should be fed in small amounts due to possible gas issues.

Carrots and carrot tops – The green tops are high in vitamin A and calcium, while the carrot itself, high in sugar, should be fed sparingly.

Celery – Provides hydration due to its high water content but should be chopped to prevent choking on the strings.

Cucumber – Hydrating and low in calories.

Endive, Bok Choy, Brussel SproutsRomaine Lettuce – These are high in fiber and a good source of vitamin A.

Fennel – Contains a good amount of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.

Peas, Zucchini – These provide a good amount of fiber and vitamin C.

Radish tops, Kale, and Spinach – These leafy greens are high in vitamins and minerals but should be given in moderation due to the high calcium or oxalate content.

Feeding Guidelines for Rabbits

Here are guidelines on how to feed the foods above for your bunnies to minimize any potential associated risks.

1. Preparation

Before feeding your rabbit any fruit or vegetable, ensure it’s thoroughly washed to remove pesticides. Cut the food into small, manageable pieces to prevent choking.

2. Serving Size

Rabbits’ main diet should be hay, making up around 80%. Fresh vegetables can make up 10-15% of their diet, while fruits should be given sparingly as a treat, no more than 5%.

3. Frequency

Fresh foods should be provided daily alongside their hay. However, fruits should only be given 1-2 times per week due to their high sugar content.

Other Foods To Avoid

Besides cashews, other foods to avoid feeding your rabbit include:


Here are some frequently asked questions.

How Much Cashews Will Kill a Rabbit?

It’s not a matter of quantity, but cashews and other nuts should not be part of a rabbit’s diet.

While a small amount might not kill a rabbit, it could still cause discomfort and potentially lead to health issues.

Repeated or more significant amounts could result in severe complications.

What Nuts Can Rabbits Eat?

Rabbits should not eat any nuts.

Nuts are high in fat and difficult for rabbits to digest. This could lead to serious health problems, such as gastrointestinal stasis, obesity, and other complications.


Cashews may be tempting to give as a treat but note that they are not suitable for rabbits.

As caregivers, we must prioritize our pets’ health over their momentary enjoyment.

Your rabbit can lead a healthy and happy life with a hay-rich diet supplemented by safe vegetables and fruits.

Always consult your vet if you are unsure about introducing new food to your rabbit’s diet. Your bunny’s health and happiness depend on it.

We hope this article helped you know if rabbits can eat cashews. If you have any questions, comment below, and we will answer them.

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