Thursday, March 27, 2025

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Boiled Egg Diet Plan: Benefits, Side Effects, and How it Works

The boiled egg diet plan is a type of diet that focuses on eggs, particularly hard-boiled eggs. You eat a minimum of two or three eggs per day, and you don’t even have to incorporate them into every meal.

The Boiled Egg Diet is a lose-weight-quick diet growing in popularity around the world, and everyone loves it for a reason: It’s easy to follow, budget-friendly, and doesn’t leave you hungry all the time.

The egg diet is a low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, but protein-heavy diet. It’s designed to help aid in weight loss without sacrificing the protein needed to build muscles. As its name suggests, it emphasizes the consumption of eggs as a main source of protein.

It has multiple versions, but in each, you can only drink water or zero-calorie beverages. Foods high in carbohydrates and natural sugars, like most fruits and all bread, pasta, and rice are eliminated from the diet, which typically lasts 14 days. You only eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There are no snacks, aside from water or other zero-calorie drinks.

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How It Works

There are different versions of this weight loss plan, and all of them require that you eat primarily egg-based meals. These are the most popular variations:

    • 14-Day Egg Diet: If you choose this version of the diet program, you’ll consume three meals each day. Snacks and drinks with calories are not allowed. Each day, eat one meal with eggs, but other meals can be built around other sources of lean protein such as chicken or fish. To supplement the protein on your plate, you can add low carbohydrate vegetables such as broccoli or spinach. Citrus fruit is sometimes allowed. This diet is sometimes called the “Boiled Egg Diet” and requires that you eat your eggs hard-boiled, rather than poached, scrambled, or fried.
    • Egg and Grapefruit Diet: This is a variation of the 14-day Egg Diet and lasts for the same amount of time. On this version of the diet, you eat half a grapefruit at each meal with your egg or lean protein. No other fruit is allowed.
    • Egg-Only Diet: This version of the weight loss program is a mono diet. Mono diets are extreme, unhealthy weight loss programs where you eat only a single food for an extended period. Dieters on this program eat only hard-boiled eggs and water for two weeks. As you might imagine, exercise is not recommended on this plan because of the extreme fatigue that you are likely to experience.
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    • “Medical” Egg Diet: This version of the egg diet requires that you eat one egg and one piece of bread, three times each day. You can also eat as many fruits and vegetables as you like. Beverages allowed include water, black coffee, or other zero-calorie drinks. Eggs can be prepared any way you want as long as no calories are added. That means you can’t use butter or oil to cook your egg. Some dieters believe that this version of the egg diet is used in medical settings to reduce a patient’s weight prior to surgery, but there is no evidence to support that rumour. While some bariatric physicians put their patients on diets before surgery, it is often a liquid diet (including meal replacement shakes) and the program is supervised by a physician or other medical expert.
    • Keto Egg Diet: Ketogenic diets, also called keto diets, require that you increase your intake of fat to put your body into a state of ketosis. This version of the egg diet recommends that you eat eggs with butter and cheese to get your body to produce ketones. The most popular ratio promoted on the internet is one egg to one tablespoon of fat (cheese or butter). ¹
boiled egg diet plan

Benefits Of Boiled Egg Diet Plan

As mentioned earlier, eating eggs is a great way to get good quality protein for minimal calories. This is perfect for weight loss! In one study, those who ate a low-calorie diet and eggs for breakfast lost more weight than those who also followed a low-calorie diet but ate bagels for breakfast.

Also, clear cut guidelines like “no junk food” is helpful for people to get started on a weight loss eating plan. Since this diet tells you to limit junk food, alcohol,  sugar-sweetened beverages and the like, you will probably drastically decrease your calorie intake when you stop eating those foods. Decreases in calorie intake help with weight loss.

Another pro to the boiled egg diet is that it promotes the consumption of vegetables and fruit at every meal. Aside from these foods being lower in calories, fruits and vegetables provide fibre, water, vitamins and minerals. All of those components are part of a healthy diet.³

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Side Effects of The Boiled Egg Diet

The most common unwanted side effect of the egg diet is the lack of energy many people will feel from the depletion of carbs. This makes it difficult to exercise.

Suddenly shifting to a high-protein, low-carb diet can also be difficult for the digestive system to adjust to. You may experience nausea, constipation, flatulence, and bad breath as a result.

Eggs are also very high in cholesterol with 186 grams or 63 percent of the daily recommended value. However, research has shown that it’s not the cholesterol in foods to worry about for heart health, but rather saturated and trans fats.

2015 study reported that men who consumed more than six eggs per week had a 30 percent higher risk of heart failure. They also had a higher risk of ischemic stroke. Eating six eggs or less per week in either men or women had no impact on hemorrhagic stroke, myocardial infarction, or heart failure.

Because eggs have no fibre, you’ll need to be careful to include other foods that do have ample amounts. This way, you won’t temporarily impair bowel function or starve your healthy gut bacteria.

Because this type of diet is not sustainable, many people revert back to old eating habits as soon as it’s over. They’ll likely gain the weight back, if not even more. This can lead to yo-yo dieting, which isn’t healthy.²



The boiled egg diet plan has certainly been on a bit of a roller-coaster ride when it comes to health and weight loss. You may have avoided eggs for years because they were on the naughty list due to their high cholesterol content. And maybe, more recently, you jumped on the keto or low-carb diet train, and now eggs are one of your go-to foods.

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If you’ve had success on your low-carb diet ventures, maybe you’re thinking the egg diet makes the next-best choice. Well, like any low-calorie, low-carb diet, the egg diet results in weight loss, but it may not provide you with the long-term weight loss you’re looking for. Always consult with your doctor before starting any weight-loss plan.


  1. I have followed your article and i lose 15 pounds in one month which is not so bad. Thanks for sharing this useful guide. 🙂

  2. Yes, this is a helpful guide. I really amaze when I got results from your guide after one month I lose 18 pounds. 😉

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